Saturday, January 21, 2017

Power to The Historically Disenfranchised

If you have a short attention span jump to 8:50... but please try to enjoy the honesty of the whole thing.  My favorite comedian of all-time provides a level headed and thought provoking closing to a wonderful set.  Today felt like the demand that Chappelle calls for... a positive movement that will continue to make the american experiment great.

Today was a proud day for me as an American.  Millions gathered together in peace and positivity to celebrate the uniqueness and equality of women.  All around Los Angeles and all over social media I saw nothing but positive messages of empowerment and equality for all peoples.  It was a welcomed burst of love over the interweb following months of negativity flooding the airwaves due to the United States' current political climate.

Seeing all the powerful women in my "community" was inspiring.  Not so long ago, in an age I thankfully never had to live through, women were allowed to speak only when spoken to.  Today they march with pride and solidarity for a better future, doing their best and urging others to do their's to unearth any masked prejudice inklings in our society.  Today felt like a celebration, call to arms, and reminder of the 15th and 19th amendments.  We have come so far.

Today was also a reminder that the work of ensuring equality for all people is never over.  There is never a good enough and there never will be.  We as humans deserve respect and demand equality... and not just on paper.

More, we need more of this.  Good job today, humanity.  Let's keep the conversation going.